Expert private neurological physiotherapy in your home
Home visits in Stroud, the Five Valleys across Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds
What we offer
Founded by Taryn Holman, we provide neuro physiotherapy to adults of any level of ability with acquired or traumatic neurological disorders and injuries. This is a specialised area of rehabilitation, requiring specific knowledge and skills in order to manage your symptoms, optimise functional recovery and improve quality of life.
We are able to see you in the comfort of your home, gym or care setting.
As experienced therapists we are able to treat a range of conditions including Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury, Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease.
How we can help
We provide the following:
Free telephone consultation
Home visit initial assessment (up to 90 minutes)
Home visit follow up treatment (60 minutes)
Written reports on request
Providing neurological physiotherapy for patients with complex needs
Our Services
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